Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | person | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: When the charting af the surface Qf the maan grew feasible tWO realms of observation -astronomical and geographical -merged Since it wa principally through the study of celestial bodies that cartagra phers learmed t measure and determine latitude especially at sea- -seventeenth-century car tography directly depended upon the advancement t of astronomi ical knowl- edge Metius's treatise was therefore designed to be used 15 ar apparatus tor pilats navigating at seait presented instruction that assisted "the ar Dtnavi gation In the seventeenth century, as in the Elizabethan era prospects of commere and mercantilism inspired greai astronomical discoveries Lunar studies conducted in 1675, immediately after the completion of the observatory at Greenwich laid the scientific ground for Newton's Pr ...